An organization’s culture is inextricably tied to its leadership.
Healthy organizational culture is not just about employees feeling good. It’s about product quality, customer satisfaction, sales growth, strong ROE & ROI—and employee satisfaction.
Healthy leadership requires a full complement of traits and skills to help the organization balance competing needs.
How do you develop effective leaders? The Axis Model of organization and leadership development uses a statistically validated assessment of 12 key leadership traits—traits that can be strengthened in order to develop effective leaders who, in turn, create high-performance organizations:
- How MISSION FOCUSED are you? Do you (1) create a shared vision? (2) Set goals and objectives, with (3) strategic direction and intent?
- How CONSISTENT are you? Do you (4) define core values, (5) develop organizational agreement, and (6) manage the coordination and organization-wide integration of business processes in a way that supports those values?
- How ADAPTABLE are you? Do you (7) keep a focus on customers and their changing needs? (8) promote organizational learning, and (9) help create change?
- How COMMITTED are you to staff involvement? Do you (10) build teams, (11) empower all of your employees, and (12) develop their capabilities in line with your mission and values?
All 12 of these traits are important. Overemphasizing (or ignoring) any one yields a lopsided leader and, eventually, affects the organization’s success.
Emphasizing employee empowerment and development without tying the involvement to your strategic direction …, is a poor investment of your organization’s resources.
Focusing on the development of core values without integrating them into the fabric of your organization’s practices …, is an exercise in futility. (Enron’s core values were Respect, Integrity, Communication, and Excellence. Volkswagen’s values list includes Professionalism, Integrity, and Trust).
Creating change for the sake of change …, rather than for the sake of customer satisfaction, mission achievement, or other organizational goals is counter-productive.
You get the idea: Developing a healthy, high-performance culture means developing leadership that can balance the competing needs of the organization and its key stakeholders—customers, investors, and employees.
Based on years of research and on-the-ground experience in tens of companies, Axis helps assess and develop leaders, so they can transform their organizations into high-performance cultures.
Contact us for more information about the Axis Model, our assessment tools, and our consulting services.